Have you ever met people who talk the talk but don·t walk the talk? Genuine faith parallels action. Uncover this important part of your identity. To read more about Rhoda’s story go to http://www.findfloberta.com . Be a part of the miracle!
To know God is to pursue holiness. Is that even possible? Holiness may seem like an impossible feat, but God graces you and me to be holy. It’s a key part of your new identity as a Christian.
The world is working unceasingly at telling you and I who we should be, what we should have, and how we should live. Your identity affects the way you live! Who are you?
You’ve heard it said, “Teamwork makes the dream work?” This is so true when it comes to the effectiveness of the church. We often attribute success to a single person without recognizing how many people were involved behind the scene. There’s no small or insignificant part. If one person wins, we all win!
In today’s message, Pastor Mike teaches the relationship between husbands and wives. When this truth is misunderstood it creates tension and division, but when it’s properly understood it releases boundless joy and fulfillment. Faith is not personal and private. Faith is wide open and public. Your relationship with God will positively influence every other relationship.
As followers of Jesus, we respond to struggles and challenges differently. We don·t quit, we press on to what lies ahead. Here is a list of characteristics that will help you live a full life!
(Due to technical issues, the third message in this series was not recorded) First-century Christians lived differently than 21st-century Christians. Yet, the Bible, with surgical precision, is as relevant to our lives, today, as it was to the original audience. So what’s the intent of the Bible?
Christianity is more than a set of beliefs. You will become what or whom you follow. Let’s get to the heart of the matter.
Does life seem to get the best of you at times? Here are four tools that will help you overcome everything life throws at you!
The doctors were ready to pull the plug, they gave little hope. Esperanza had flatlined three times and they said she would never recover. But as friends and family began to pray, everything changed. Esperanza is a living testimony to the power of prayer!
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