In the final installment of our series on prayer, Lead Pastor Mike Todd teaches from James 5 and highlights two important areas that need prayer. We hope this message encourages you and if it does, visit us at and leave a comment!
During the month of January, we are turning our focus to the discipline of prayer. In Today’s message Lead Pastor Mike uncovers God’s promise to us when we pray and looks at the different titles in the Old Testament that will add boldness to your prayer life!
In today’s message, Pastor Mike continues in our series, Prayer That Gets Answered, and teaches on the parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector. Join us as we remove more obstacles preventing our prayers from being answered! If you enjoyed this message, go to our Facebook page and leave us a message Check our […]
In today’s message, Pastor Mike begins a four-part series looking at prayer. Prayer is a discipline that must be routinely addressed in our life. Join us as we learn how to pray confidently and consistently. For more encouraging content, check out our link under the “sermons” tab or our Facebook page at
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