How Wise Are You?

In today’s culture, we tend to value presentation over content. In this lesson, Pastor Mike teaches from James 3 about the blessing and importance of wisdom. It’s time to wise up!

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Be In Control

The average man speaks 15,669 words a day, the average woman speaks 16,215 and the very talkative speaks 47,000 words a day. That’s a lot of words. But how much thought are you giving to your words? The Bible says in Matthew 12:36 that one day we will give an account to God for every […]

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Workless Faith

How do you know if your faith is authentic? Is it possible to go through the motions and not have faith? There is a way to know if you have faith, or better yet if faith has you!

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Unfriend Favoritism

How you treat people speaks volumes about your character and your spiritual maturity. Playing favorites causes people to treat individuals differently. It’s time to unfriend favoritism!

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Blessed Are The Doers

As a follower of Jesus, our entire life receives an overhaul. In today’s message from James 1, we learn three key principles to constructive communication and learn how to avoid the dangers of anger that lead to broken relationships.

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An Inside Job

Each of us faces innate desires that are tailored to us. If these desires are left unchecked, they will have a negative impact on our life. In today’s message, Pastor Mike shares with us practical advice from the Book of James about overcoming this internal battle.

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A Faith That Works

Faith in the absolute assurance and conviction that God’s promises will not be defeated by your circumstances or situation. You don’t have to understand “how” God will fulfill His promises, just understand He will!

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The Power in the Blood of Jesus

Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross not only is sufficient for the forgiveness of sin but it also gives us victory over the enemy, Satan. In this message Pastor Silvia teaches on the effectiveness of Jesus’ blood to overcome the attacks of the enemy in your life.

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Overcoming Life’s Struggles

No one will get through life without being scathed. But our scars don’t have to define us. God has declared that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. In today’s message, Pastor Shane shares with us the keys to overcoming the struggles in life.

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