Thanks for joining us in part 2 of our series, “Dare To Follow.” Have you had an experience that made you wonder, “where is God?” Have you ever read something that caused confusion in what you know about God and faith? Learn how to hold on to faith when life attempts to knock you down.
Joy is tethered to God. “In His presence, there is fullness of Joy.” With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas don’t go without joy. Listen as Pastor Mike shares the difference between happiness and joy.
Presumptuous faith can have a damaging effect on your relationship with God and on other people. When you label and judge others, we are removing the grace and mercy needed for change. In this message, learn how to cultivate an encouraging disposition.
How do you know if your faith is authentic? Is it possible to go through the motions and not have faith? There is a way to know if you have faith, or better yet if faith has you!
How do you respond to the trial’s life throws at you? Do you try to evade dealing with them? Do you groan beneath them? There is a better way!
Faith in the absolute assurance and conviction that God’s promises will not be defeated by your circumstances or situation. You don’t have to understand “how” God will fulfill His promises, just understand He will!
No one will get through life without being scathed. But our scars don’t have to define us. God has declared that you are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. In today’s message, Pastor Shane shares with us the keys to overcoming the struggles in life.
Life is filled with ups and downs, highs and lows. They are unavoidable but God will redeem them when we approach them with the right attitude. Learn the secret to soaring above your circumstances. Check this out.
You’ve heard it said, “Teamwork makes the dream work?” This is so true when it comes to the effectiveness of the church. We often attribute success to a single person without recognizing how many people were involved behind the scene. There’s no small or insignificant part. If one person wins, we all win!
Does life seem to get the best of you at times? Here are four tools that will help you overcome everything life throws at you!
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